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Pocarr: Online Poker

Pocarr is an online poker course founded by world renowned poker player Alex Carr. The community is focused on empowering players to constantly improve and reach their goals while being backed by the world’s best poker players.



Pocarr is a private, membership-based online poker mentoring system founded by world-renowned poker player Alex Carr. This small community pairs budding online poker players with poker champions that provide mentorship and backing. The original website and identity was designed by my team is 2009 when the company was founded. In 2016 Alex Carr had built a successful business and was ready for a redesign of the website.



The new website has 2 parts: the public-facing marketing website, and the interface of the video tutorials and forums that were available for members when logged in. The public-facing pages feature the new mission statement and clear benefits of applying for membership. The user experience of the forums was overhauled to be easier to read, scan through, and find relevant topics.

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